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Plans & Pricing

Fusce ullamcorper nisi congue, suscipit neque in, dictum turpis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Square has a number of plans available. The Free and Pro Plans are ideal for individual users looking to schedule content for their personal social accounts. The Business Plans are ideal for teams and agencies looking to schedule content for their business or client social accounts, with the ability to invite team members to collaborate, and have access to advanced analytics.

The deciding factors tend to be:

  • - The number of social accounts you're looking to schedule content to
  • - The number of team members who will need access to Buffer Publish
  • - The number of posts you're looking to schedule in advance
  • - Whether or not you require in-depth analytics

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur pulvinar malesuada nunc, at molestie libero tincidunt ac. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam eleifend, ligula eget rutrum feugiat, elit mi volutpat quam, vitae dignissim est ante sit amet ligula. Curabitur eu nisi suscipit diam fringilla egestas. Nam sed tortor mauris. Proin in urna ipsum. Nullam feugiat justo nisl. Vivamus ut auctor tortor, sit amet mattis lacus. In ac metus vel magna commodo aliquet. Vivamus convallis ante lorem, nec luctus eros vulputate quis.

Curabitur rutrum dictum neque, in finibus sem porta sed. Cras finibus eu nisl nec commodo. Donec in est rhoncus, elementum orci non, volutpat tellus. Pellentesque vitae justo massa. Maecenas suscipit, risus sed malesuada sodales, nulla orci volutpat lorem, vel aliquam tortor tellus et magna. Etiam congue risus nulla, id volutpat nisi imperdiet non. Fusce ultricies ut purus fermentum vehicula. Cras vestibulum fringilla orci eget posuere. Nam accumsan eget neque et lacinia.

Praesent nec odio purus. Morbi tristique ligula risus, vel accumsan lorem viverra ut. Suspendisse quis eros dignissim, molestie libero vel, tempus magna. Nullam dignissim magna vitae metus auctor posuere ut ac velit. Vivamus suscipit malesuada est sed venenatis. Integer quis sem neque. Phasellus volutpat gravida risus, at gravida velit cursus et. Praesent molestie erat nec semper commodo. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Praesent nec odio purus. Morbi tristique ligula risus, vel accumsan lorem viverra ut. Suspendisse quis eros dignissim, molestie libero vel, tempus magna. Nullam dignissim magna vitae metus auctor posuere ut ac velit. Vivamus suscipit malesuada est sed venenatis. Integer quis sem neque. Phasellus volutpat gravida risus, at gravida velit cursus et. Praesent molestie erat nec semper commodo. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Integer maximus arcu et ultricies commodo. Morbi egestas convallis dictum. Nulla erat purus, pulvinar at posuere quis, interdum ac velit. Cras mi diam, ornare vitae tristique non, lobortis tincidunt nunc. Sed blandit auctor dolor ac molestie.

Donec sodales, lorem non varius vehicula, ex lectus egestas urna, id placerat nibh velit ac quam. Cras ut placerat erat, eget volutpat tortor.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus malesuada molestie lorem sit amet rutrum. Curabitur elementum metus eu pharetra euismod. Phasellus lacinia, sem non malesuada elementum, neque metus aliquam eros, a egestas nisl felis a urna. Nulla consequat erat eget leo commodo, sit amet venenatis ligula lobortis. Donec posuere sem vel quam eleifend, in rhoncus magna porta.

Cras porttitor nec sem id placerat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque non ipsum felis. Suspendisse a turpis ipsum. Sed sollicitudin augue purus, id iaculis felis pulvinar ut. Praesent commodo in tortor ut vulputate. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc volutpat justo sit amet ex mattis faucibus. Aliquam non pellentesque sapien. Maecenas ante orci, finibus et nisi eu, dictum sodales arcu.

Praesent nec odio purus. Morbi tristique ligula risus, vel accumsan lorem viverra ut. Suspendisse quis eros dignissim, molestie libero vel, tempus magna. Nullam dignissim magna vitae metus auctor posuere ut ac velit. Vivamus suscipit malesuada est sed venenatis. Integer quis sem neque. Phasellus volutpat gravida risus, at gravida velit cursus et. Praesent molestie erat nec semper commodo. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Proin sodales efficitur blandit. Sed quis odio ac libero fermentum condimentum viverra id mauris. Pellentesque laoreet purus augue, vel mollis est scelerisque non. Donec malesuada a nisl a sollicitudin. Integer eget pellentesque arcu. Etiam dictum lectus vel cursus condimentum. Donec non mauris massa. Nullam ornare nulla vel diam accumsan, vel convallis mauris elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi leo libero, blandit non lacus vitae, auctor molestie nibh. Fusce iaculis tortor imperdiet, faucibus libero eget, semper tellus.

Still have questions?

We're here to help! We can be reached by phone or e-mail and strive to respond within the same day.



Available M-F 9am-5pm


We're here to help!

Working with us explained

That all depends! If you're looking to buy or sell a home then chosing to work with us means that we'll have a casual but detailed conversation about your wants and needs, your area, and your price range, then we'll match you up with a Realtor® in our network that's best suited to help you get exactly what you're looking for in this competitive market.

Interested? Click here to get started!

If you're a Realtor® and would like to become one of our partner agents or you'd like to incorporate the RUIZ REPORT into your business then working with us starts by heading to our Realtor® section to learn more!
For the right person? A lot! Our market is lucky enough to have a great bunch of Realtors® that will guide you through your buying or selling process with confidence and professionalism. That being said, if you were to ask many of those same agents about the financial health of your specific market and the metrics they're following to inform that opinion, well let's just say your confidence in their stewardship of your next several-hundred-thousand-dollar (or more!) purchase may diminish ever so slightly.

Our partner agents are hand-picked to do both. We'll match you up with who we feel is a "best fit" based on our initial conversation and it's on you to move forward from there. Hopefully you love who we send your way, but if not then we'd love the opportunity to match you up with someone else now that we know you a bit better!

Sound good? Click here to work with us and let us help you with your next move!
No! Working with us is no different then working with any other Realtor®, except our partner agents will be much more informed about the market to best help you. With that in mind there's actually a very good chance we'll be able to help save you money on your next purchase or net you more on your next sale!

RUIZ REPORT explained

Data for each report is pulled from Canopy MLS for Single Family and Condo/Townhouse properties on or about the 3rd of every month (the last slide will say exctly when each report's data was pulled). This is because Realtors® are required to update their transactions on the MLS within 48hrs, so we give an extra little bit just to make sure we capture the straglers!

While most records for the month should have been accounted for, any updates that occured after the report was pulled will not have made the cut. This should not have a material effect on the data given the overall volume of transactions, but we are always willing and able to answer any questions about our results if you want to know more!

Click here to contact us!
Data for each report is pulled from Canopy MLS for Single Family and Condo/Townhouse properties. There are many definitions of what constitutes a "single family" home, but we chose to limit it to these two categories because (1) that's how Canopy MLS has them categorized, and (2) those two categories account for the vast majority of all residential real estate transactions in our area.

This fact alone may very well account for any different numbers you might see, but there are also differences in how some may calculate their metrics, which is why we give a description of our formulas on the last slide of every report (the Appendix).

If you still have any questions then please feel free to click here to contact us because we'd love to nerd out with you (and we keep all of our data for that exact reason)!
This is a great question, I like you! Most of our metrics are simply the sum totals of events that during the given period (the month of October, as an example). There were x-homes that went under contract in October simply because, well ther were x-homes that went from "Active" to "Under Contract" in the month of October. No formulas necessary.

Not all of our metrics are that simple, notably the "Absorption Rate" and "Months Inventory," and for those we give a description of our formulas on the last slide of every report (the Appendix).

How to workwithuse
