About Us

What is The Ruiz Report, how did this service come to be, and who is Zacory Ruiz?

What is The Ruiz Report?

The Ruiz Report is 10-slides with everything you need to know about your local residential real estate market.

Each slide has easy to understand talking points that condense that month's market activity into the essential information needed to make sound home buying and selling decisions. These talking points are based on thousands of conversations with home buyers and sellers, allowing us to pinpoint exactly what information is most relevant and impactful—no fluff, just facts that matter.

Our data comes from a direct feed into the local MLS which means our reports are the gold standard among reliable sources of real estate information, and our analysis is famous for making that information extremely accessible.

Our Mission

Our mission is twofold: To equip home buyers and sellers with data-driven market insights through our 10-slide Ruiz Report, and to empower them with industry-leading training to put those insights into action.

Our personalized market reports are typically accessed through Realtors® who have invested in our services, however, we firmly believe that well-informed participants create healthier markets. As a testament to that belief we offer free training videos to anyone who creates an account with us, and you can read our latest reports for free as well.

Our training videos leverage the Ruiz Report to teach the fundamentals of turning raw market data into actionable information. Even though you could and should apply these lessons to your own data, we hope that once you understand the complexity of collecting and synthesizing this information, you'll appreciate the value of our services and choose to partner with us for your data needs.

Our Story

The Ruiz Report's first report came out in February, 2020, after being asked the question: "Do you think you could improve this absorption report?"

We officially opened for business the following month, coinciding with real estate being deemed 'non-essential' during the pandemic. This timing, though challenging, proved insightful. The ensuing clamor for certainty allowed us to realize just how little people were relying on market data to buy or sell their home, and it provided the foundation for our rallying cry:

"We're here to help change the balance in the age old saying that while facts tell, emotions sell in real estate."

This is the one sentence our founder, Zacory Ruiz, uses to encapsulate the fundamental shift in our approach to real estate marketing and analysis. This statement acknowledges a long-standing principle in real estate that emotional considerations often drive sales more effectively than pure factual information, but Zac's vision aims to rebalance this dynamic.

Our story began with creating a market report, but it has since evolved into a mission to elevate the role of data and factual analysis in real estate decision-making. While we recognize, respect, and value the emotional aspects of buying and selling a home, our goal is to rebalance this process by emphasizing that a home is likely the largest financial transaction most people will make and should therefore be approached with appropriate diligence and analysis. We aim to balance emotional considerations with informed, data-driven decisions to ensure the best outcomes for our clients.

We're still closer to the beginning than the end of our story. Changing emotion-based behaviors is an uphill battle, but you can only "make your money when you buy" if you buy the right home, at the right time, in the right way. Otherwise, there may not be very much money to be made when it's time to sell.

If our approach resonates with you can sign up for a free account, or elevate your real estate business by investing in personally branded market reports. For more information or to connect with us, please visit our contact page.